27 Jan 2013

Application for funds for benches etc!

I feel a little bad for not managing to update this blog recently - other preoccupations, I'm afraid.

We have not managed to make any progress with our plan to manage to open on occasions and in a very supervised manner the toilets next to the Park. As a result at our last committee meeting we decided to, with some regret, give up on this and instead ...

... we have applied to use the funding for some picnic benches for the Park and for some additions to the play equipment and replacement of the damaged swing hammock.
Some of this should be installed very soon!

Thanks should go to Amy for all her very hard work in a very short timeframe to apply to use the funds in this way.


  1. That is good news about some extra seating as in the summer months (if we get a summer this year) the benches are soon occupied. Is anything being done about that graffiti on the signs arund the park? It makes the place look so unkept and will surely encourage more of the same. The reinstalation of the carved headboard over the `where are you` sign would look better than the two stups that are left.

  2. I had a stroll round the park today and could not help noticing how unloved it is becoming. The ammount of litter amongst the trees on the motorway side is staggering and the graffiti does appear to be prevelant everywhere. The information signs are looking faded with cracked perspex, rust and again graffiti. Even the benches are now becoming a target for the spray painting vandals.
    I am disabled and would love to help keep the park in pristine condition but I have a few ideas that may help to improve matters and I hope you don`t mind me mentioning them as I used to be involved with community projects. 1.It would be well worth contacting the team responsible for those on community service or local schools to organise a mass clear up of all the litter in the woods before it all starts regrowing. 2. The same contacts could also be requested to repaint the graffiti covered bench, litter bins and information signs. 3. Surely the highways authority could reduce the ammount of graffiti under the motorway. 4.The parks authority must have the original copies of the signage and it would cost very little to have them reprinted. 5. The river authority needs to address the fact that the warning signs around the weir are either missing or damaged.
    Just a few ideas that maybe will stop the deteriation of the area and hopefully lead to regular `snag lists` to prevent any further downward spiral.

  3. Thanks for your comments, they are welcome.

    Thanks for the particular suggestions about how to keep it clear, clean and attractive. We can use these to talk about these issues at our next meetings

